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International projects

Beginning in 2012 the Faculty is a participant of the international project EWENT, which was funded by the European Commission.

Since the beginning of 2014 in the framework of the EU Erasmus Mundus project the Faculty joined to the international project ACTIVE, furthermore, Igor SIkorsky KPI is the co-coordinator of the project.

Project NETCENG - a new model of the third cycle of engineering education in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine according to the Bologna process. NETCENG is a multinational joint project whose priority directed to reforming the curricula. Igor SIkorsky KPI is the coordinator of the project from Ukraine.

In 2013, international contract was negotiated between the Interdisciplinary Research Institute for Problems in Mechanics "Rhythm".of FASS and Gazi Universiteti Golbasi Yerleskesi Teknopark Binasi C-24 Golbasi, Ankara, Turkey (code "Implementation of Ukraine's commitments in the field of international scientific and technical cooperation" - testing and experimental calibration of sensitive elements unit by means of customer equipment).

International collaboration

Students from Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Congo, Angola, Ghana, Ecuador, and Kazakhstan are studied at the Department of Aircraft Control Devices and Systems. The number of foreign students in the department is one of the largest in Igor SIkorsky KPI. The department also has foreign post-graduate students. Foreign specialists from the Shenyang Aerospace University (China), First Aviation Design Institute (AVIC the first aircraft institute (FAI)) (China, Xi'an) Corporation Beijing BCM International Education Consulting (China, Beijing), Design Institutes of China Space Industry are trained at the Faculty.

Department of Automation of Experimental Studies supports direct contacts with foreign universities, in particular with the technical universities of Munich and Trieste, the University of the Bundeswehr, the Graduate School of Zittau / Horlitz, cooperates with well-known domestic and foreign companies «National Instruments», «Analog Devices», «Hewlett-Packard» , «Rohde & Schwarz», «Siemens», «Motorola», «Melexis», «Infopulse", "Promsat." This allows to explore and use the world's advanced technology, ensures the participation of foreign experts in the process of students learning, students, teachers and specialists exchange.

The Department actively collaborates with the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE). Every year the best students of the department do technological and pre-diploma practice in Germany, USA, Spain, Italy, Greece, Great Britain, Switzerland, and France. Students from universities in the UK, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, and Finland participate in a short- term training at the department.