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International publication

Proceedings of the Faculty of scientists, published abroad in 2015
Аuthor  Тitle of work Edition Volume, number (issue, first-last page )
Department АЕR (total -14)
1 Eugenij Volodarsky, Zygmunt Warsza, Larysa Kosheva, Adam Idźkowski Evaluation of precision of the inter-laboratory measurements using robust "S-algorithm" Problems and Progress in Metrology. Proceedings of  PPM'15. Polish Academy of Science, Katowice Branch 2015 Conference series no 20. – pp. 53 -59
2 Volodarski E.T., Warsza Z.L. Application of two robust methods on the example of inter-laboratory comparison "Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing X" (AMCTM X) vol.10, Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences vol. 86, World Scientific, New Jersey, London, Singapore, ... (2015), ISBN: 978-981-4678-61-2 AMCTM X World Scientific (2015). – p. 385 -391
3 Volodarski E.T.,Warsza Z.L. Examples of robust estimation with small number of measurements Progress in Automation, Robotics and Measuring Techniques vol. 3 "Measuring Techniques and Systems". (ISBN 978-3-319-15834-1), vol. 352 of series: "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing" (ISSN2194-5357) Springer (2015). – pp.285 -291
4 Eugeniy T. Volodarsky, Zygmunt L.Warsza, Larysa A. Kosheva Ocena precyzji procedury pomiarowej w badaniach międzylaboratoryjnych metodą odporną z wykorzystaniem "algorytmu S" Przemysł Chemiczny tom 94, nr 6 2015. – s. 1008-1011 (DOI: 10.15199/62.2015.6.30)
5 Eugenij T.Volodarsky, Zygmunt L. Warsza Ocena precyzji badań międzylaboratoryjnych metodą odporną "S-algorytm" Przegląd Elektrotechniczny Electrical Review 2015 no 10. – s. 54-60
6 Eugenij Volodarsky, Zygmunt Warsza, Larysa Kosheva, Adam Idźkowski Upgrading reliability of the measurement inspection Problems and Progress in Metrology. Proceedings of  PPM'15. Polish Academy of Science, Katowice Branch 2015 Conference series no20., p.79-85
7 Eugenij Volodarsky,Zygmunt Warsza,Larysa Kosheva Metoda poprawy wiarygodności kontroli pomiarowej Przemysł Chemiczny tom 94, nr 9 2015 s. 1566-1569 (DOI: 10.15199/62.2015.9.XX)
8 Eugenij Volodarsky, Zygmunt Warsza, Larysa Kosheva, Adam Idźkowski Evaluation of the precision of interlaboratory measurements by robust algorithm S Symposium AMSA'15: Applied Methods of Statistical Analysis. Nonparametric Approach,  Novosibirsk & Bialokuriha 14-19 th September, 2015, NGTU Proceedings of Symposium AMSA'15, pp. 113 -123
9 E. Volodarsky Z.Warsza Structural and algorithmic methods increasing reliability of the measurement inspection ХХV Национален научен симпозиум с международно участие «Метрология и метрологично осигуряване 2015»: сборник доклади – Созопол, Болгария, 2015. С. 55-60
10 Вакуленко И.А., Надеждин Ю.Л., Сокирко В.А., Яремчук А.А. Влияние размера зерна силита на скорость распространения звуковых колебаний в йодированной стали Металлургия в Китае 2015. – №1. – С. 17-21
11 Eugenij T. Volodarsky, Zygmunt L. Warsza Robust estimation in interlaboratory measurements with small number of measurements Measurement Automation Monitoring (MAM) 2015 № 4, р.104-110
12 Eugenij Volodarsky, Zygmunt Warsza, Larysa Kosheva, Adam Idźkowski Assessment  of the precision of interlaboratory measurements by using robust Algorithm S Measurement Automation Monitoring (MAM) 2015 № 4, р. 111-118
13 Eugenij Volodarsky, Zygmunt Warsza, Larysa Kosheva, Adam Idźkowski Improving the reliability of measurement testing. Measurement Automation Monitoring (MAM) 2015 № 5, р. 112-116
14 Viacheslav Barsukov, Ilona Senyk, Bogdan Savchenko,  Kostyantyn Shevchenko Composite materials for protection against electromagnetic microwave radiation Baltic Polymer Simposium "BPS 2015". Programme and proceedings. – 16-18 september 2015. Sigulda, Latvia P. 100
Department ТМ (total – 2)
15 Губская В.В., Косяненко А.А., Бабаев А.А., Задача о выходе системы «конический резервуар-жидкость» на установившийся режим колебаний под действием импульсной нагрузки. Science in the modern information society VI, North Charleston, USA. Vol. 3., 2015, с.136-138.
16 Stetsiuk L., Bobkov Y.V (DepartmentIMТ) Repott about participation in summer school at the Technical University of Berlin Збірник праць літньої школи проекту ТЕМПУС - NETCENG, Hімеччина, м. Берлін, Технічний університет, 2015
DepartmentPSKLА (total - 8)
17 В.В. Борисов, В.В. Сухов. Метод автоматизированного синтеза конечно-элементной модели стыка центроплана и отъемной части кессона крыла транспортного самолета Авиационная техника, КГТУ им. А.Н. Туполева Вып. 1. -- С.7-11.
18 O. M. Masko, I. S. Kryvokhatko, V. V. Sukhov Experimental research of tandem-scheme UAV model aerodynamic characteristics Transactions of the Institute of Aviation. Prace Instytutu Lotnictva – Warsaw – No. 4 (237). – P. 63–75.
19 Zbrutsky A.V, Malysheva J.V., Burnashev V.V. Navaigation and orientation system with optical horizon sensor for mini UAV IEEE 3rd International Conference on Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control Pp. 15 - 17.
20 O.M. Nechyporenko The method of analysis of reliability of frequency pressure sensor for systems of air signals of aircraft Electronics and Control Systems № 3(41), Pp. 41-46
21 Mykola G. Chernyak, Viktor A. Palyushok, Iryna M. Baranovska Triaxial block of navigation accelerometer’s metrological model and experimental determination of its parameters on the uniaxial rotary stand Transactions of the Institute of Aviation. Prace Instytutu Lotnictva – Warsaw No. 4(237), p. 13-22.
22 В.В. Борисов Методы синтеза конечно-элементной модели планера грузового самолета LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN 978-3-659-59385-7, с. 139
23 V.V. Borisov. The methods of the synthesis of finite element model of the wing box LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN 978-3-659-67887-5, p.135
24 O. Morojenko, O. Vidmachenko, O. Ivakhin, M. Geraimchuk, O. Zbrutskyi Tiny ultraviovet Polarimeer for Earth Stratosphere from Space Investigation IEEE, IDAACS 2015, September 24-26, 2015, Warsaw, Poland p. 28-33
Department ІMТ (total - 6)
25 Carlos M.Quintero, Olena Kraieva, Frank Carcenas, Denis Lagrange, Nina A. Yaremchuk, Gabor Molnar, Christian Bergaud. Joule heated  metallic microwave devices for sub-microsecond T-jump experiments. Microelectronics Journal.. journal homepage: www.elsevier. com/locate/mejo. Microelectron, J(2015) pp. 1-8 j.mejo, 2015.06.024
26 I.Suleimanov, O. Kraieva, и J.S. Costa, I.O.Fritsky, G. Molnar,  L.Salmon, A.Bousseksou Electronic communication between fluorescent pyrene excimers and spin crossover complexes in nanocomposite particles Journal Material and Chemical Communication. vol 3, no 19 pp. 5026-5032, May 2015.
27 I.Suleimanov, O. Kraieva, G. Molnar, L.Salmon, A.Bousseksou Enhanced luminescence stability with Tb-spin  crossover nanocomposite for spin state monitoring Chemical Communication Sept. 2015. pp.1024÷1032
28 Bobkov Y. Report on the status of implementation of the NETSENG project in NTUU “KPI” for the first 18 month Збірник праць “Summer school of the Tempus project “New model of the third cycle of engineering education due the  Bologna Process by BU, RU, UA. pp 1÷3
29 Y.Bobkov Coordination report NTUU “KPI” UA Збірник праць літньої школи проекту ТЕМПУС- NETCENG, Hімеччина, м. Берлін, Технічний університет–reports.pp.1-3
30 Bobkov Y., Stetsiuk L. Repott about participation in summer school at the Technical University of Berlin Збірник праць літньої школи проекту ТЕМПУС - NETCENG, Hімеччина, м. Берлін, Технічний університет,2015 downloads//.../NETCENG pp.3-5